
Overview Fields #

Project ID #

A unique identifier for this project.

Created #

The time the project was created.

Current version #

Fugalist automatically updates the version when you share your expression map.

If you have never shared, the “current” version will be 1.

When (if) you share the first time, version 1 is shared, and the “current” version is immediately incremented to 2. Further modification will go into version 2, which is not yet shared. If you subsequently share version 2, the “current” version will be incremented to 3, and so forth.

Last modified #

The time of the most recent change to this expression map.

Last shared #

The last time you shared this expression map.

Name #

Your name for this expression map. This is the name included in the generated Dorico expression map.

Description #

Your description of the expression map. This will be included in the generated Dorico expression map. It is also visible to others if you share the expression map.

Plugins #

What plugins this expression map is for. As with the description, this is included in the generated Dorico expression map, and is visible to others if you share.

Best practice: use the exact name of the sample-library preset if one exists. That way there’s no ambiguity about what the expression map is for.

Vendor #

The vendor of the sample library. This is not included in the generated expression map. If you share, it’s visible to people looking for an expression map.

Instruments #

The instrument or instruments this expression map applies to: guitar, violin, etc. This is not included in the generated expression map. If you share, it’s visible to people looking for an expression map.

Other search tags #

To make it easier for other people to find shared expression maps, you can include other relevant search terms here.

VST Presets #

If your expression map applies to a factory preset provided by the vendor, you won’t need to use this. However, if you’re using custom presets, you can upload them here.

Audio Demos #

You can upload audio demos of your expression map in action. Useful for people looking for an expression map. You can also upload a PDF of the score you used to create your demo.